About Us
Hey! I'm Chase
Enneagram 8, lover of tacos, coffee addict, listener of hardcore music
I was raised in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I have an avid love for the outdoors because of this, and you will frequently find us out on hikes or exploring the outdoors. I find the outdoors brings me a peace and calms me like nothing else, besides my wife of course.
I started my photography journey in High School when I picked up my Dad's old Olympus film camera (which I still have) and signed up for photography classes. I instantly fell in love with capturing my surroundings and the moments that make up our lives. From capturing pictures, to developing them in the dark room, I loved everything about the process. 17 years later my love continues to grow for this craft, and with digital cameras it has made it even more accessible.
When we are not capturing love stories you can find me working on our podcast, creating content for our YouTube channel, working on my dad bod, and drinking copious amounts of coffee all while generally listening to my music far too loud.
I feel building relationships with our clients is so much more important than being "just a photographer" We are in the business of people, and without relationships we don't get the opportunity to truly capture who you are.
Hi Friends, I'm Jess
Enneagram 2, dog obsessed, the biggest of nerds, listener of chill indie music/at home dance partier
I grew up in Granville, Ohio which was awesome, but let's face it SO not as awesome as Colorado. Needless to say, I grew up enjoying music and theater. Watching old movies and doing the most random of activities. (I was on a synchronized swim team and Irish step danced....need I say more?)
Photography was always around me growing up. My Grandpa, Dad, and Uncle were all avid hobby photographers. I started taking pictures on film in college and that passion only grew as we had kids. They were, and still are, some of my favorite subjects to photograph. It's been a honor to grow as a photographer with my best friend, and partner in crime. He pushes me to become a better photographer and I am better for it. Working together has been a dream come true because we are awesome teammates.
When I'm not behind the camera you can find me playing with makeup and fashion, because it's another creative outlet for me. Dancing like a fool around the house. Reading and rereading books. Watching documentaries and old movies. (Especially musicals) Reciting every word of Hamilton. Finding adventures and enjoying the great outdoors. All while trying to convince Chase to adopt ALL the dogs.
When it comes to our clients we truly see them as friends, and our heart is to serve them by going above and beyond every time. This looks like helping to zip dresses, coming in with rescue bobby pins, or even running errands for those last minute needs. Anything to make your day as stress free as possible because it should be a celebration!
We are The Butchers
We met 14 years ago in Denver, Colorado while Jess was playing in a Screamo band (yes you read that right). I (Chase) attended one of her shows and was immediately smitten with her. When I went to go meet her I could not muster up anything to say but "You're pretty" Full of embarrassment I walked away, composed myself and tried again. Needless to say, she was not impressed. The next day I met up with her at Warped Tour where she was working a merch tent (She is way cooler than me right?) and I managed not to make a fool out of myself and get her phone number. The rest, as they say, is history.
We moved from the snowy mountains of Colorado to Granville Ohio in 2013, and established our roots. We love the charm of Granville, and the proximity to everything Ohio has to offer. We enjoy exploring our surroundings or curling up in front of the fire with our three amazing kiddos, two large fluffy dogs, and sometimes our persnikity cat.